Saturday, January 15, 2011

Went a little crazy at the's 'Citrus Fest' YO!

I stopped by Central Market (my place of part-time employment) on my way home from my second improv class. I worked Thursday night and left my food in the refrigerator (carrots, broccoli & hummus). I didn't want it to get thrown out on Sunday night when they empty the fridges.

This week at Central Market it's "Citrus Fest"! Which means: we are promoting citruses! The meat market has meats that have been marinaded in citrus. The produce section has some uncommon citruses on display. The free recipe cards around the store are all citrus-themed. The cooking school offers classes citrus-specific.

I went crazy in the produce section.

Starting at the bottom left (going clockwise) that funky looking root is a Japanese Imo Yamo potato, mandarinquats, acorn squash, pummelo, pomegranate, & rainbow chard

Man! It was hard to find anything on that Imo Yamo potato. I found this entry in a food dictionary

yamo no imo Japan See mountain yam (NOTE: Literally 'long potato')

I pulled this from Wikipedia:

It is eaten raw and grated, after only a relatively minimal preparation: the whole tubers are briefly soaked in a vinegar-water solution to neutralize irritant oxalate crystals found in their skin. The raw vegetable is starchy and bland, mucilaginous when grated, and may be eaten plain as a side dish, or added to noodles.

1 comment:

  1. I envy this Central Market you speak of. I can't wait for the farmers markets to open up here!
